Find WIFI Password using Windows CMD

Find WIFI Password using Windows CMD

Easy way to find your previously saved WIFI password using a simple command in Windows CMD.

There are several ways which (includes third-party apps) to find your internet password using Windows CMD, We are going to go with the 'netsh wlan' method since it easy as well as a built-in command. You can check out this video to learn it under 60 seconds! Video Link:

Lets Get Started!

Using the netsh wlan command:

netsh wlan show profiles

This will list all the WiFi profiles your device has connected to. Find the name of the network you want the password for. Then run:

netsh wlan show profile name="NETWORK_NAME" key=clear

Replacing NETWORK_NAME with the actual network name. This will show you the WiFi profile information for that network, including the Key Content which contains the password.

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